One of the joys of early Marvel films was the anticipation that came with them. We only got one or two per year, and the stretches between those films were filled with anticipation, a palpable eagerness to see what the next one would bring, both in terms of story and setting up a larger cinematic universe. We've lost that over the last few years, with two movies per year being the standard since 2013, and, perhaps worse, 2017 marking the first of three years in a row in which we'd be getting three Marvel movies per year. With a few months instead of a few years between movies, the films feel less like events and more like episodes of a TV show that come on every five months or so.
Warner Bros. admittedly had some trouble getting the DCEU off the ground, with Green Lantern's flop forcing them to start over from square one with Man of Steel. However, this has turned out to be something of an advantage for the DCEU. It's stopped them from full-on flooding the market over the last few years the way Marvel has. Their films still feel like events, not check marks on a list that lead to the first Crisis movie or something. That being said, 2019 and 2020 each have two films slated per year for the DCEU. Let's hope that's not a prelude to them adopting the MCU's three-movie schedule.