إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات videos-Miscellaneous Information. إظهار كافة الرسائل
إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات videos-Miscellaneous Information. إظهار كافة الرسائل
La evolución de Dominic Toretto a través de los años
Etiquetas: Dominic Toretto, Vin Diesel, A todo gas, Rápido y furioso, Reto Tokio, Los Bandoleros, Rápidos y furiosos, Fast & Furious, 5in control, Mia Toretto, Carro, Dodge, Letty Ortiz, Paul Walker, Brian O'Conner, Collar, Dwayne Johnson, Elena Neves, Luke Hobbs, Deckard Shaw, Roman Pearce, Owen Shaw, Han Lue, Tej Parker, Sean Boswell, Gisele Yashar, Johnny Tran, Riddick, Mónica Fuentes, Jack Sparrow, Carter Verone, Hernán Reyes, Arturo Braga, Frank Petty, Groot, Marvel Comics, vestuario, Iron Man, Batman, Tyrese Gibson, Michelle Rodriguez,
La evolución de Rocky Balboa a través de los años
Etiquetas: Rocky Balboa, Rocky, Creed, Corazón de campeón, Sylvester Stallone, Apollo Creed, Iván Drago, Clubber Lang, Adonis Creed, Adriana Pennino, Paulie Pennino, Mickey Goldmill, Mason Dixon, John Rambo, Ricky Conlan, John McClane, Barney Ross, Marion Cobretti, Indiana Jones, Boxeo, Estatua, Filadelfia, Muhammad Ali, Floyd Mayweather, Marvel Comics, Guardianes de la Galaxia, Starhawk, Superman, Capitán América, vestuario, Hulk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis, Dolph Lundgren, vestuario, Cobra,
The Evolution of Harry Potter's Music (11 to 17 Years Old)
Etiquetas: Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp, Anthony De La Torre, vestuario, Piratas del Caribe, La maldición de la Perla Negra, El cofre del Hombre Muerto, En el Fin del Mundo, En Mareas Misteriosas, La venganza de Salazar, disfraz, Disney, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Javier Bardem, Hector Barbossa, My Little Pony, Will Turner, La rueda del tiempo, Elizabeth Swann, El libro de la selva, Davy Jones, Naruto, Marvel Comics, Doctor Strange, Joker, Willy Wonka, Final Fantasy, canción, El Sombrerero, Tim Burton, Batman, Sweeney Todd,
La evolución de Terminator a través de los años
Etiquetas: Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Roland Kickinger, Brett Azar, el juicio final, la rebelión de las máquinas, Salvation, Génesis, T-1000, John Connor, Sarah Connor, Kyle Reese, T-X, T-600, T-3000, Cromartie, James Cameron, Marcus Wright, Depredador, Xenomorfo, Alien, RoboCop, Odisea del espacio, Boba Fett, Iron Man, Jason Voorhees, C-3PO, Spawn, Han Solo, Marvel Comics, vestuario, Máquina de Guerra, Falcon, Ultron, Cyborg, Sr. Frío, Batman y Robin, Hiedra Venenosa, Batgirl, Sylvester Stallone, Blade Runner, Culturismo,
Disney Princess As Fat -Misa Cartoons
Before the introduction of "Disney Princess Warrior", these princesses always give a slim and slim impression, but I think the princess always always eat a lot accidentally, this "Fat Princess Disney" fatal after ..... when.
Every girl has a favorite Disney princess in her heart, they can, like themselves, meet their own charming prince. Only the princess whose body proportions is unreasonable, so that girls in real life want to become a Disney princess, simply difficult to climb to the sky! Huffington site produced a series of big-size Disney Princess, only to find the crisis and even Princess Disney also Dodge can not escape, even after some fat little fattening Princess .......
Cinderella sleep beauty wake up to eat a lot ..?
Belle beauty and beast
Snow White poisoned one Apple should not eat enough ....
Aladdin body graceful "Princess Yasmin"
Subway Surfers Characters In Real Life 2019-2020 📷 Video | Tup Viral
Subway Surfers Characters In Real Life 2019-2020 📷 Video | Tup Viral
When we are in the cinema or at home watching movies, we usually have to go through the opening with the logo of the film studio first. These logos have a very interesting history behind, but almost no one has ever thought about how they were made. For example, do you know what mountain the Paramount logo is depicting? How many stars surround it? Why are they there? Or what's with the Walt Disney´s castle? Why is the boy fishing on the Dreamworks' logo? Are you intrigued already? Then get yourself comfortable while
we show you the history of the most famous studios logos
Did You Ever Notice These 10 Disney Easter Eggs?
Do you also LOVE hidden Disney movie Easter eggs? It is so fun to look for secret Disney easter eggs in both new and old Disney movies - and the Disney animators never disappoint!
This Pixar / Disney movie easter egg hunt consists of all the fun ones, which connects all the Disney movies! So on purpose, I skipped the more technical ones, like the 113 Easter Egg, the Mickey Mouse ears and the cameos of the Disney staff.
Here are the included Disney movie Easter Eggs:
Rapunzel and Eugene in Frozen
Baymax in Moana
Karate Kid pose in Hercules
Mulan poster in Lilo and Stitch
Mickey Mouse in A Goofy Movie
The Beast in Aladdin
Mrs Potts and Chip in Tarzan
King Triton in The Princess and The Frog
The King and the Grand Duke from Cinderella in The Little Mermaid
Hans from Frozen in Big Hero 6
Nemo from Finding Nemo in Brother Bear
Pinocchio in Tangled
Pumbaa and Nala in The Hunchback from Notre Dame
Pongo in Oliver & Company
The Jungle Book in Meet The Robinsons
All edits are done my yours truly, Alice Bunny :)
Would you like to see more Hidden Disney Easter Eggs videos? - and which one was your favorite? Please comment below :)
Teen Titans Go! Transforms Raven Star Gumball Starfire Surprise Egg and Toy Collector SETC
SETC loves toys and collectibles such as My Little Pony, Equestria Girls, Shopkins, Monster High, Ever After High, Littlest Pet Shop, anything and everything Disney such as Frozen and Toy Story, Paw Patrol, PJ Masks, Shimmer & Shine. We also love Play-doh and enjoy making awesome giant play doh surprise eggs for you all to enjoy which we fill with lots of different toys and surprises.
Dragon Ball Z Characters In Real Life 2019-2020 📷 Video | Tup Viral
Dragon Ball Z Characters In Real Life 2019-2020 📷 Video | Tup Viral
Captain America Civil War Anime Version 📷 Video | Tup Viral
Captain America Civil War Anime Version 📷 Video | Tup Viral
Disney Princess This is what they are in Disney princess 2019
Принцессы Диснея.
Диснеевские принцессы — общее название героинь мультфильмов студии Уолта Диснея, образы которых лежат в основе линии товаров для детей. Изначально термин «диснеевские принцессы» относился к шести героиням диснеевских экранизаций классических сказок: это Аврора («Спящая красавица»), Белоснежка («Белоснежка и семь гномов»), Белль(«Красавица и Чудовище»), Жасмин («Аладдин»), Ариэль («Русалочка») и Золушка («Золушка»). Также в число диснеевских принцесс входят Мулан («Мулан»), Тиана («Принцесса и лягушка») и Покахонтас («Покахонтас»). 2 октября 2011 года в состав принцесс вошла Рапунцель («Рапунцель: Запутанная история», а 11 мая 2013 года — Мерида («Храбрая сердцем»).
Белоснежка (Белоснежка и семь гномов 1937)
Золушка (Золушка (1950)
Аврора (Спящая красавица(1959), Следуй за мечтой(2007))
Ариэль (Русалочка (1989)
Белль (Красавица и Чудовище(1991)
Покахонтас (Покахонтас (1995)
Красавица и Чудовище: Чудесное Рождество(1997)
Жасмин (Аладдин (1992)
Мулан (Мулан (1998)
Мерида (Храбрая сердцем (2012)
Тиана (Принцесса и лягушка (2009)
Рапунцель (Рапунцель: Запутанная история (2010)
20 Disney ANIMALS Reimagined As People
Hi Bunnies!^^🐰❤️🐇 Have you often wondered how the cute Disney animals would look like in human version? Then check out these humanized Disney characters! A bunch of amazing artists drew Disney Animals as Humans and the result is stunning! A few monsters, Lightning McQueen from Cars 3, Sadness, Joy and Disgust from Inside Out and Wall-E and Eve are also included, despite them not being animals :) So the title should really have been Disney non human characters as humans or Cartoon characters human version. That would have been a bit confusing though, as most of the humanized Disney characters are animals
10 Disney Princesses Reimagined As Modern Day BAD GIRLS
Disney Princesses have always been role models, so it’s hard to imagine what they would look like as bad girls. They had so many challenges to face, floors to clean, and fears to overcome that they barely had time to really be teenagers. This is why today, we are showing you 10 Disney Princesses Reimagined as Modern Day Bad Girls, thanks to Nata St. Art, Disney Hardcore, and Ashi Monster.
Ariel from “The Little Mermaid” is one girl who always loved breaking the rules. She was fascinated by the human world and loved to collect things that used to belong to them. Her father already said that she shouldn’t go near humans, so we think that he wouldn’t be happy to see her looking like one. But just wait until you see what she would look like as a real bad girl!
Stay tuned to hear more about bad girls from “The Princess and the Frog,” “Frozen,” “Aladdin,” “Snow White,” “Cinderella,” “Tangled,” “Pocahontas,” and “Moana.” If you could choose one princess who could be part of a remake in the 21st century, who would it be? Don’t be shy to tell us what you think in the comments section down below!
Belle from “Beauty and the Beast” is not the kind of girl who likes to break the rules. But when her father was thrown behind bars by the Beast, she had no other choice but to take his place, even though that’s not what he wanted. But what would she do as a modern day princess? You’ll have to watch this video to find out
Cartoon Characters If They Were Humans 📷 Video | Tup Viral
Cartoon Characters If They Were Humans 📷 Video | Tup Viral
Top 10 Homeless People Who Won the Lottery
Anyone can win the lottery, but homeless people need the money more than others. Imagine being homeless, at one of the lowest points of your life - living on the streets - only to be blessed with a lottery win. Thats the story of the people in this video.
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Etiquetas: Thanos, Damion Poitier, Josh Brolin, Marvel Comics, Los Vengadores, Avengers, Guardianes de la Galaxia, La era de ...
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Etiquetas: Dominic Toretto, Vin Diesel, A todo gas, Rápido y furioso, Reto Tokio, Los Bandoleros, Rápidos y furiosos, Fast & Furious...
Before the introduction of "Disney Princess Warrior", these princesses always give a slim and slim impression, but I think th...
Cartoon Characters If They Were Humans 📷 Video | Tup Viral
SETC loves toys and collectibles such as My Little Pony, Equestria Girls, Shopkins, Monster High, Ever After High, Littlest Pet Sh...