‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات miscellaneous. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات miscellaneous. إظهار كافة الرسائل


(Come on, they're both holding axes! Do you need me to draw you a map?)

And by "we", I mean conservative commentators. I don't expect any better from liberals. Comparing someone to Hitler is the first and final resort of every left-wing argument. If someone disagrees with you, he's a fascist.

There's really no excuse for us to play this game.

George Will casually compares deporting illegal aliens to the Holocaust. As I asked, did that make Eisenhower a Nazi for Operation Wetback?

Meanwhile at the National Review, Kevin Williamson keeps describing Trump and Bernie Sanders as national socialists. Being a 'Socialist' and being a 'National Socialist', with all that implies, is not the same thing and casually making that association has no credible purpose except to perhaps convince amnesty supporters that they're fighting fascism.

Nazi ideology was an incoherent mess clumsily patched together with militarism. Trying to associate it with anyone who supports protectionism or deporting illegal aliens would make quite a few American presidents "Nazis".

Hitler insisted there was no need: “I shall nationalize the people.” Senator Sanders has a rather wordier version of the same agenda, describing the goal of his campaign as inspiring mass political movement in which “millions of people stand up and loudly proclaim that this nation belongs to all of us.”

I'm no fan of Sanders, but this is a generic stump speech. Snip the "all" and it's a typical Tea Party line.

Is this our current qualification for being a Nazi?

There is a lot going on here. Part of this is traditional xenophobia, the habit of finding aliens to blame during times of political and economic anxiety, which is doubly attractive if those aliens are ethnically distinctive: When was the last time you heard Senator Sanders screaming about our trade deficit with Germany

Clearly Sanders, an elderly Jewish leftist, has a soft spot for Germany, but hates China, because he's a huge racist Nazi. He must be as huge a racist as Ronald Reagan who stood up to dumping Japanese cars in America.

But what about all the German cars?

The argument that protectionism is Nazism is a terrible one. So is the argument that opposition to illegal aliens is Nazism. It essentially positions the nation state as Nazi. And that's where he once again ends up.

We have an intense and necessary interest in what’s going on in Pyongyang at the moment, and what happens in Syria, whether our borders are secure, whether our banking regulations put us at a global disadvantage. But there isn’t a legitimate national interest in having boffins in Washington stand between a fellow in Pittsburgh who wants to buy a pair of sneakers and a guy in Mindanao who wants to sell them to him.

Warfare comes in different forms. Economic warfare is one of them.

The ability of a guy to buy a pair of sneakers in Pittsburgh depends on having a viable economy and a nation state. Without that his currency is worthless and it will cost him a month's rent to pay for those sneakers. If his country doesn't make sneakers or much of anything, he doesn't have the ability to buy. Just to beg.

A nation state must preserve its economy. That isn't something FDR came up with. It's something in the Constitution.

The American proposition embodied in the Constitution gives Congress the "power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises" and "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations".

"To preserve the ballance of trade in favour of a nation ought to be a leading aim of its policy," Alexander Hamilton wrote.

Time, The Great Excuse

Time, The Great Excuse


There I was, 10pm on a regular weeknight, just about to put my head down to sleep when I thought I would check my Facebook feed one last time before heading off to sleep. With a few flicks of my finger on the screen of my phone, I was presented with a video I knew I shouldn’t watch, as it came from a entrepreneur I follow that is great at revving me up and inspiring me to do better or to do more with my life. I proceeded to click on the 18-minute long video anyway (VIDEO LINK), and settle in for some great inspirational content, as is so often the case. With my headphones attached and my 36-week pregnant wife lying asleep next to me, I was then a witness to what can only be described as one of the greatest rants I have ever heard from anyone in my life. Now, while this rant made me feel like I was back in the principal’s office in grade 5 and being told off for putting chewing gum in one of the popular girls hair, it also felt so passionate and 100% from the heart that in an instant I was awake and wasn’t going to get to sleep anytime soon.

It made me think, we are all far too quick to use time as the excuse to why we haven’t achieved what we want in life. It could be a weight loss goal, it could be starting a small business, or it could be as simple as starting a new skill like learning a new language. However, I put it to you, are we really that busy? Do we really have no time to be chasing the dreams we have always talked about doing?

I say no, we really aren’t and to use it as an excuse to why you haven’t achieved what you talk so often about is just plain lazy in and of itself.

Now, as I say this, I am saying it to myself as well. I am just as guilty if not more so than all of you reading this. I can’t tell you the amount of times I have tried to get myself to 9% body fat, or write a new article, or to even just put the dishes away and told myself “I don’t have time”. All the while knowing I am full of shit as I sit there and watch another episode of My Kitchen Rules, when I could have been putting time into any number of the above-mentioned activities.

Now I want to be very clear, if you are content in life and don’t yearn for something more, or wish you looked better in a bikini, or know 17 different languages, then please click that little X in the top of this article and stop reading. However, if you are like me and wish to make a difference in yours or other peoples lives, or have a skill you have always wanted to learn, then I want you to take a long hard look at yourself and the time you spend doing “stuff” in your everyday life and ask yourself: Is there something more I could be doing?

I am just going to answer that question for you. YES, YES there is!

Let’s presume most of you work the standard working day and on average you are up at 6-7am and you are home by around 7-8pm. Am I right in presuming that while you may have times in your life that this becomes more wide spread, this is probably your average day? This kind of hectic timeline has become standard these days however, it still remains that after sleep time of 6-8 hours you could potentially have anywhere from 4 to 6 hours of “play” time left in your day to do with as you please.

But Adam, you say, I must take time to wind down and relax and unwind from my day, to eat and to catch my weekly hit of reality TV. Great, go and do it, but stop complaining to yourself and the people around you, because I’m telling you no one is listening and no one really cares that you haven’t reached your goals!

If you want something, and I mean truly want something, then prioritise the time and get to it. The problem lies in the fact that we all want results now and aren’t prepared or simply don’t want to put in the hard work that is required to get the results we so desire.

So as I finish off this article I hope you haven’t read it and just thought, “Who is this guy to tell me what to do and how to live my life?” as you have missed my point completely. My take home message is this…

Please, please, please, I implore you to take 30 minutes out of your day, TODAY and not tomorrow, and sit down and really think about what you want to achieve in life and what your “real” goals are and just start doing it. Stop waiting for the perfect time to start, for the perfect weight loss program, the perfect set of circumstances that will let you take the leap. Take that first step and go at it with all your heart because I can assure you this…

Plenty of people look back on their lives with regret. Do you want to be one of them and saying to your loved ones, “I wish I had tried that” or would you rather think: “I can’t believe I achieved that”

If you ever need some help with setting your goals or wish to change your life through fitness, please feel free to contact me at anytime as I ALWAYS reply to my emails and would welcome the chance to help you in anyway I can.
Trust, Relax, and Live without Waiting!

Trust, Relax, and Live without Waiting!

 The Analogy of Time

There are various reasons how people react to time. For some, as people are facing their end they would give anything to have more time to stay in this world. For others, they understand their end is near, and make their peace.

Time is a funny thing, how people embrace the events that surround them is truly a personal decision. You can have an extraordinary wish to something you want to happen, and it can be the biggest misunderstanding at the same time when it does not happen.

So why exactly is TIME so important???

As I have grown older, time has taught me not to question but to trust. Trust that time truly has its own agenda, and it’s not for us to compete with. So, the next time you question the timing to things, or your patience is running thin in regards to your wishes, your hopes, and dreams, that have not materialized yet… Remember there is a plan, it comes when you are truly ready.

When you begin to lose track of the time, is when time becomes your friend. You will feel the need to explore, to be happy in the moment, and to trust in the universe that it’s all in the timing without wanting and waiting.

The true tragedy is waiting for what you want to happen, and living an unlived life in the process. As the old saying goes… “You are not too old, and it’s not too late”

Trust, Relax, and Live without Waiting!

Did You Know these 20 things?

Did You Know these 20 things?

~ Did You Know? ~

1. Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. Wear nice shoes.

2. If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, there’s a 50% chance you’ll die within the next 3 years

3. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you. There’s a 9% chance that you’ll meet one of them in your lifetime.

4. Sleeping without a pillow reduces back pain and keeps your spine stronger.

5. A person’s height is determined by their father, and their weight is determined by their mother.

6. If a part of your body “falls asleep”,
you can almost always “wake it up” by shaking your head.

7. There are three things the human brain cannot resist noticing – Food, attractive people and danger

8. Right-handed people tend to chew food on their right side

9. Putting dry tea bags in gym bags or smelly shoes will absorb the unpleasant odour.

10. According to Albert Einstein, if honey bees were to disappear from earth, humans would be dead within 4 years. 

11. There are so many kind of apples, that if you ate a new one everyday, it would take over 20 years to try them all.

12. You can survive without eating for weeks, but you will only live 11 days without sleeping.

13. People who laugh a lot are healthier than those who don’t.

14. Laziness and inactivity kills just as many people as smoking.

15. A human brain has a capacity to store 5 times as much information as Wikipedia

16. Our brain uses same amount power as 10-watt light bulb!!

17. Our body gives enough heat in 30 mins to boil 1.5 litres of water!!

18. The Ovum egg is the largest cell and the sperm is the smallest cell !!

19. Stomach acid (conc. HCl) is strong enough to dissolve razor blades!!

20. SMILE. It is the ultimate antidepressant. 

Did you know a treasury fraud was uncovered in St. Lucia in 1849

Did you know a treasury fraud was uncovered in St. Lucia in 1849

Did you know a treasury fraud was uncovered in St. Lucia in 1849 and it brought political discontent for both the working class and the planters? It was the largest case of fraud ever uncovered on the island and one which rocked the island to its core.

According to one radical lawyer, Henry Percin, the working-class people’s outrage over the treasury fraud and the laissez-faire manner in which the Lieutenant-General allowed the main perpetrator to get away, had positively aggravated the peasant tax revolt. This fraud sparked a decade long correspondence of complaints between a group of St. Lucian planters headed by William Muter and the Colonial Office and the Treasury in London. The planters considered the fraud a prime example of administrative lapses and incompetence.

Did you know in 1840, Colonial Secretary, William Hanley obtained leave of absence for a trip to England and Henry Breen was appointed a temporary substitute? A few months after Hanley’s departure, the Lords of the Treasury in London asked Breen for a statement of St. Lucia’s accounts between 1829 and 1837. The Lords said they had repeatedly requested a statement from the various treasurers, they never received one, nor had they been given an explanation beyond the unconvincing excuse that the old books could not be found.

Without hesitation Breen was able to locate the books and provide a full and reliable account of the treasury fraud. However, Breen found himself in an awkward position during his tenure as care-taking treasurer. Between 1840 and 1842, clerks John William Todd and Jean Marin Papin stole money right from under his nose.

One afternoon Breen took shelter from the rain in Todd’s cottage, he walked in on a sumptuous and well-attended dinner party which included a dish of ham boiled in champagne. Breen took Todd aside and asked him how with a salary of £150 per year, he could afford to incur such extravagant expense. His response was that he had inherited a large sum of money from a deceased relative in Barbados.

Did you know it was only when a repentant and ill treasury clerk named Henry Niochet, believing to be on the brink of death, asked to see James Mac farlane who was a member of the Legislative Council to clear his conscience that the fraud stopped? Niochet confessed that for several years William Hanley, John William Todd and Jean Marie Papin had pilfered large sums of money.

James Macfarlane immediately put together a Commission of Enquiry and it was quickly discovered that the colony had been robbed at a rate of about £3,000 every year since Hanley returned from England. For their own selfish motives, these public servants had robbed the colony of £30,000 during a period of twelve years. Upon this discovery, Hanley and Papin made their escape from the island, but Todd was persecuted for fraud and sentenced to one year in prison.

Despite being placed on bail, Hanley and Papin managed to escape and flee to Europe, it was whispered that Lieutenant-Governor Darling conspired in their escape- Hanley being among other things his personal secretary. Although there was no hard evidence to support this, the appearance of a cover-up by the colonial authorities definitely existed in the minds of laborers and planters; this aggravated their distrust in the government. It also supported Henry Percin’s notion that the tax revolt was partly fuelled by the treasury fraud.

Source: A History of St. Lucia by Harmsen, Ellis & Devaux – 2012.

22 Beauty Tools on Amazon Under $35 That Will Make You Skip Sephora

22 Beauty Tools on Amazon Under $35 That Will Make You Skip Sephora

Did you know that Amazon has an extensive beauty department? Every week, the mega online retailer offers some crazy good deals on all kinds of beauty tools and essentials (including its best sellers)! Whether you're curious about how one goes about waking up to glowing skin, or you're seriously bored and looking for a productive way to up your beauty game, there's a tool, trick, or gadget crafted with flawless coverage and elevated style in mind.

Check out these beauty tools that you can have shipped to your door.
Did Black Panther Reveal An Important Development For A Key Marvel Hero?

Did Black Panther Reveal An Important Development For A Key Marvel Hero?

Warning: Black Panther SPOILERS ahead! Read at your own risk!
There's a lot to digest now that Black Panther has debuted in theaters. Between the film's historic box office performance and its inclusion of one of Marvel's best villains yetin the form of Michael B. Jordan's Erik Killmonger, there's no shortage of great potential for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Having said that, one of the most exciting elements of Black Panther's story comes during the post-credits scene, in which Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) finally wakes up from cryosleep. He's obviously going to play a significant role in Avengers: Infinity War, but the scene also makes us think that he could go on to become the obscure Marvel hero White Wolf at some point as well.
For the sake of context, let's dive into what specifically happens in the Black Pantherpost-credits scene, and what it could mean. In the short clip, a group of Wakandan children run out of a hut and declare that the "White Wolf" has awakened. From here, Bucky emerges and shares a brief exchange with Shuri (Letitia Wright) to set up their alliance going forward. The conversation between the two main Marvel characters clearly establishes big things for Infinity War, but the fact that the kids refer to Bucky as "White Wolf" seems like a thinly-veiled reference to the Marvel character of the same name.
As Marvel purists will likely be able to tell you, there's actually a character in Black Panther's lore named White Wolf. In the comics, White Wolf is a Caucasian man named Hunter who grew up in Wakanda after his parents were killed in a plane crash. Adopted by King T'Chaka, he eventually goes on to become a master hand-to-hand combatant, as well as a skilled marksman. However, easily his most noteworthy trait is his vibranium suit, which is nearly identical to the outfit worn by T'Challa, except it's white instead of black.
Within the current pantheon of Marvel Cinematic Universe heroes, Bucky definitely stands out as the best option to take on the role of White Wolf. He's a badass soldier with a penchant for martial arts and large firearms, and his tenure as The Winter Soldier means that he has clearly picked up all of the necessary traits that we generally associate with someone like Hunter. Moreover, while Bucky and T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) seem to have mended their relationship after the events of Captain America: Civil War, their initial hatred of one another could easily translate to a loose adaptation of the antagonistic relationship between White Wolf and Black Panther. Bucky wouldn't be a straightforward adaptation of White Wolf, but he meets many of the necessary qualifications to make it possible within the framework established by the MCU.
Moreover, allowing Bucky to take on the mantle of White Wolf would actually clear up some space elsewhere in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for another passing of the torch. Many fans have wondered which friend of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) would inherit the mantle of Captain America when Rogers inevitably retires from active duty (or dies). If Bucky dons the White Wolf suit, then the stars, stripes, and vibranium shield would be waiting for none other than Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson, a.k.a. Falcon. Many fans already expect a massive changing of the guard when Phase 3 comes to an end, so bringing White Wolf into the fold could easily allow the folks at Marvel to neatly hand off some of their best mantles while also honoring the other heroes who stick around.
At this point, it's anyone's guess as to whether or not Bucky Barnes will take on the mantle of White Wolf in a future Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. So for now, we will just have to watch what the newly-thawed Winter Soldier does with himself when the Russo Brothers' Avengers: Infinity War premieres in theaters later this year on May 4!
Oprah wrote this about men

Oprah wrote this about men

Oprah wrote this about men

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. 
If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay. 
Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. 
Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. 
Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that’s not meant to be. 
Slower is better. 
Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. د
If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can’t “be friends”.
A friend wouldn’t mistreat a friend. Don’t settle. 
If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.
Don’t stay because you think “it will get better.”
You’ll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

Avoid men who’ve got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. 
He didn’t marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?
Always have your own set of friends separate from his
Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you.
If something bothers you, speak up.
Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.
You cannot change a man’s behavior.
Change comes from within.
Don’t EVER make him feel he is more important than you are…
even if he has more education or in a better job.
Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
Never let a man define who you are.
Never borrow someone else’s man.
If he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you.
A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
All men are NOT dogs.
You should not be the one doing all the bending…compromise is a two way street.
You need time to heal between relationships…there is nothing cute about baggage…
Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.
You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you…
a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals…
look for someone complimentary…not supplementary.
Dating is fun…even if he doesn’t turn out to be Mr. Right.
Make him miss you sometimes…
when a man always know where you are, and you’re always readily available to him –
he takes it for granted.
Never move into his mother’s house.
Never co-sign for a man.
Don’t fully commit to a man who doesn’t give you everything that you need.
Keep him in your radar but get to know others..
When despair, I remember that all

When despair, I remember that all

“When I despair,

 I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won.

 There have been tyrants and murderers,

 and for a time,

 they can seem invincible,

 but in the end, they always fall. 

Think of it — always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi



Everyone has a dream of achieving in the career as well as personal life. Some people get a chance to work in the abroad with respective position and good salary. What if you got a job or had to stay in the abroad with your kids? How it makes you feel? Are you hesitated or fear or thought of handling all things with your kids? Obviously many are messed up without getting any idea or planning. If you are in this state, I hope this article will guide you for how to take care of your kids and expenses that you are going to face. This is because being the parent with kids, you need to know how to save the money for your future. It is always better and safe to plan for saving the money through money transfer services.
Expats are the people called elaborately as expatriates who living in the abroad either for business or personal purpose. The expats leave their country but staying permanently or temporarily in the abroad may or may not be with their family.
If you are planning to go abroad with your kids, we all know how much struggle it will be because to carry the kids outing is the challenge to handle them. At the same time, we are exciting to go another country and it is the next step for the future. The person will be more happy and on the other hand, the challenges are waking him up to handle the things correctly. As a parent, the person has to aware of the expenses for the kids and self. One cannot blindly spend the money in a new country without having the knowledge. To do the things right, one must get experience or advice from others. It will assist you to reduce your expenses and show the path for earning the money.
What are the struggles and how to rectify it?
Communication plays a vital role when you want to convey your message clearly. If the communication is good, you can easily get the information and sort out the work within short span of time. If you are residing in a new country, you need to know the language what they are using there. It is to share your thoughts and receive the information without any hassles. The importance of language will be realised when you are struggled with legal or country policies. To deal the legal matters in a foreign country, the language will be with you. If you are living either permanently or temporarily, you want your kids to join the school or institution so you have to know the rules and regulations of the school. If you are working then day care facility will be required so you have to approach the assistance from day care organisation. As you are new to the country, it will take time to reach various places and you have to well known of it as soon as possible. If you are only explored many areas, you can get the best things.
You have the responsibility for your children schooling so financial planning is must. It seems simple, but it will eat your money and at last you will see the empty pocket. When you confirm that you are moving abroad, you have to take higher money than you spend it in your home country. Immediately allocate the money for each purpose and exchange the cash to that of new country. Depending on the exchange rates, we have to update the currency ranges so check the details often. Many banks offer money transfer services for expats so it is intelligent to contact the organisation which gives you best transaction services. It will not irritate you instead. Some currency dealers are best as they give offers so grab those dealers to have the tension free experience. Whenever you go abroad, keep in mind that emergency will knock at any time so you have to allot the money for emergency cases. This fund will help you at right time and you cannot get stress at that critical situation. Contact the financial adviser to plan the financial needs.
Health is the another important factor to be considered because many people are stated that they cannot adopt themselves to foreign country climate. Often, the health problems disturb them so make sure that it will not affect your kids health too. The employed people move from one country to another country by their companies for assignment projects. It is their time to improve the career at standard level. Take care of your life when you move to foreign country with the advice of financial experts.
Do your transaction with ease
 Some blogs are assisting you to get the information of expats how they experienced and planned for their future. Read the reviews and feedbacks which are given by others that may guide you not to do the mistakes they did. Make your international money transfer easy with the help of international money transfers. Remember one thing that you are leaving your country with kids for any purpose so track your life without any tension and do not create the situation of losing the money and returning back your country without any investment profits. The income that you are earned will speak in your future. You have to well planned to reduce the substantial costs and you should be the great leader for your generation. Utilize the technology option to choose the wise money transfer service online who are doing it professionally.



You must be a hero if you want to develop. If it can be like an average person in our world, you will not find peace, love, and happiness. You will not do something important in life.
There is nothing threatening. You have to work on rebuilding your character if you want to have a better fate. You will be guided by the divine intellect of the unconscious that produces your dreams if you can learn while the average is desirable towards scientific methods of dream interpretation.
A proper procedure interprets the necessary messages of the unconscious mind that are hidden in the dream image since its anti-sense of good and evil (wild feeling right and wrong) should not have an understanding of unconscious messages before its judgment of good and evil. The unconscious mind sends you important insights into goals and when you are sleeping, given the fact that his anti-sense for right and wrong does not need to control his mind. His anti-moral feeling is the worst enemy.
You need to become an important person if you want to find peace in the world we are living now.
I had to be a hero when I was junior because of the need to fight schizophrenia before becoming schizophrenic as my father. At that time, as a hero is a very difficult time. However, these days I am more than grateful for the fact that I went through psychotherapy and ceased to be an indifferent and cruel creature that used to be the next sleep therapy.
I found a way to be a man or a woman under what conditions to leave someone. This was once very complicated and worried by many victims. However, this approach helped me to consider more about myself. After checking that he had so much absurdity in my anti-moral sense, that was a great choice, but to see who could be an individual and to present his support to those who were determined given the fact that they had critical problems.
My goodness also with people who used to be used for serving helps me learn to discover how an individual alternatively to be an indecisive monster was once. He used a huge reward for me to watch my movements were blessed, and my life was blessed once. It was good to be good.
When you find yourself a hero and help others, you grow to be an advanced character. You stop complaining about your ridiculous problems, understanding that there are many unbearable circumstances in a lifestyle of a man or a woman. You stop grumbling whenever you face the unfortunate circumstances. You can learn how to work to solve all the existing problems and no complaints.
We have also understood the depth of human misery, understanding what is impotent in the face of many horrors.
The unconscious divine intellect helps him deal with tragic cases if he serves others by providing knowledge and guidance about them for their own needs. It teaches you everything you need to understand (but not to say) about their psychological state and their lives.
You confirm that most people are far from being stable. It’s pretty disappointing, but you have to be aware of the reality, alternatively, to believe in illusions. You have to be a hero given the fact that they live in a very dangerous world, given the fact that it is necessary to get rid of the absurd that has inherited in its anti-feeling right and wrong. You also need to help others because most people want to support.
You have to be a hero when you think you have the understanding that happiness is more important than anything else. I cannot be indifferent to fate and easily follow the absurd mentality of modern civilization. You will be able to never find reputable in life if you imitate idols to the absurd world.
The unconscious divine mind seems to stop and feel. You have to figure out what the average of your life is. In addition, you have to act and change in your character, serving sand. It should not passively take the absurdity of the sand. You need to help find wisdom. His example may be very capital. I’m determined not to work hard to become a hero, but that’s what happens when you get into that role. However, you can accept this need if you are certain that his victim will not be useless. The unconscious mind gives you a simple task in your wishes.
Gorgeous the fact is that as you become a hero, you must be an advanced individual, even assuming they are not. You have no other replacement. However, in reality, simpler when everyone accepts the challenge boldly and at all times acts as a hero, they are able to become an advanced individual. You have to be a hero if you do not want to be an unconscious monster.
You do not seem to have any advantage when you’re a hero because you have to be in a subordinate role. However, the advantages of the heroine in lifestyle are many, though they are so afraid of becoming a hero because he did not want to leave a choice of his indifference. When you find a hero, you’re not hypocritical. When you are a hero you can be honest. His honesty gives you balance and wisdom.
When you’re a hero, you’re not full of curves. It is clear to you that you are in a dangerous world given the fact that human beings are insecure creatures. When you are a hero, you can bring hope to humanity. They also symbolize the reward for God who gave you the energy to be smart, even though those who live in atheistic and materialistic historical times. If you end up like a hero, you’re not a passive and lazy victim. You’re doing what you want and getting your asses. He does not like death because you have to reap the value you deserve.
When you are a hero, you are a character who has a strong character. You’re not a doll. His victory in lifestyle depends on their heroism. Not a lazy coward. Do not follow the hilarious mentality of modern civilization. Be a hero, and buy a car to start. The unconscious mind will show you God wants what you need to do as a way to change, alternatively passively accept the absurd concepts of the world full of curves. You should avoid the tragic destiny of your ancestors.